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Taylor Swift Songs as Books, Characters and/or Relationships

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

You're probably hearing A LOT about Taylor Swift right now. The eras tour started a little bit ago, she released an album that swifties think hinted to the fact that her next re-record is Speak Now, Anti-Hero is all over the radio (of all the songs off Midnights...), so every single place you find entertainment is filled with Taylor Swift content.

Wings and Roses shall be no different. If you cannot tell by the fact that the title says Taylor Swift in it, or the fact that this is categorized as a Teso Ramble and I am currently rambling, I'm going to talk about Taylor Swift. As a Swiftie (or as my mother calls me, a roomba, like the little robot machine thingy), someone who listened to 23,000 hours of Taylor Swift in 2022 and also a person who reads more than she does much anything, I hereby give myself permission to ramble about Taylor Swift songs and how they relate to books. And, once again, I shall do this in a dropdown menu format because I love using it to unspoilerize things. As per usual, don't click on the dropdown if you don't recognize the title part of it (not the taylor swift song, but the book mentioned in the title) unless you are certain you don't care about whether or not I spoil it for you.

Enjoy the ramble.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, small appearances in all the rest of the Camp Half Blood Chronicles) -It's Nice To Have a Friend (Lover, 2019)

We have to talk about the fact that this song perfectly fits their relationship. It goes from being friends as children ""Wanna hang out?"/ Yeah, sounds like fun" to awkward teenageness, "Twenty questions, we tell the truth/You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too", which leads us to them being amazingly adorable and definitely relationship goals. "Call my bluff, call you "babe"/Have my back, yeah, everyday". And yeah, that's basically their whole relationship. It's very subdued and quiet, without the booming glitz and glamour of like, Paper Rings. It's not big and flashy, which their relationship isn't. They're not showy in their affection, like this song isn't showy when it comes to production.

I love their relationship to death, and I love this song as well.

Lara De La Cruz and the LKJC (How To Be The Best Third Wheel) Fifteen (Fearless, (Taylor's Version) 2021)

Jude Duarte (The Cruel Prince) Look What you Made me do (Reputation, 2017)

America and Maxon (The Selection)-Ms. Americana and the Heartbreak Prince (Lover, 2019)

Daphne Deighton (American Royals)-Better Than Revenge (Speak Now, 2010)

So, there it is, five Taylor Swift specific song to book connections. I hope you enjoyed it!


Post Publishing Edit: I forgot how to spell Jude's last name when I was writing it. I have now fixed it. This concludes the Post Publishing Edit.

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